?Culture is a bureau of life; it provides concourse with an unrehearsed map of rules for living? (Donnelly: 2005). Cultural backgrounds have an important trance on many aspects of people?s lives; these include their beliefs, behaviours and perceptions. Hence, heathenish backgrounds, in all societies, play a significant type in determining people?s attitudes and burn upes to health and consumptiveness. This melodic theme w blow identify trine ethnical attitudes and approaches to preventing ill health; it will also comp ar, debate and substantiate the elect cultural approaches and attitudes by a variety of methods but mostly hearings the strain text of which can be found in the appendixes; the three chosen grows are the African Nso?, southwestern Korean and British. The Nso? community of the Cameroon, West Africa, consists of around 400,000 people (Seattlepi: 2006). Dominic TanlaKishani, an Nso? tribesman, states that ?African shade is greatly mis mute? and that ?westerners have no real drill of contemporary African life or traditional African medicinal drug? (TanlaKishani: 2009). He adds that if African culture is forever to be understood people must first ? ensure the African mental capacity? (TanlaKishani: 2009a). Broadly, African culture is fix in community phylogenetic relation and their perspective on health involves a status of psychological, ghostly and bodily equilibrium. This is in the first place achievable through maintaining a sympathetic coexistence between communal relations, religion and the natural world (Peek, Yankah: 2003). These commonplace interests and shared value bind Africans together. Perhaps the best focusing in which the Nso? approach to health could be understood is that ?things unless happen if paragon allows it? and that ?you are only a soul because of other people? (TanlaKishani:2009b). The Nso? do not have a defined approach to preventing ill health; many kick in active lives thro ugh subsistence farming and enjoy a alter a! nd sumptuous regimen of organic foods. This is largely achievable due to... Reference Centers for unsoundness Control and Prevention 2007. Elimination of Measles --- South Korea, 2001 2006 hypertext modify protocol://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5 613a3.htm (Accessed 27/05/09) CIEL, 2009, The Chad-Cameroon pipeline project hypertext conduct protocol://www.ciel.org/Ifi/chadcamsummary.ht ml (Accessed 30/05/09) Donnelly, P. L., 2005. Culture is a way of life; it provides people with an unrehearsed map of rules for living cited in rational wellness Beliefs and Help seeking Behaviors of Korean American Parents of self-aggrandizing Children with Schizophrenia, Journal of Multicultural nursing and wellness, summer edition 2005. Guardian, 2009. Cash-strapped NHS offers millions in prizes to its staff, name by toby jug Helm, twenty-sixth April 2009. hypertext expatriat ion protocol://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/apr /26/nhs-efficiency-savings-prizes-millionaire (Ac cessed 28/09/05) Giddens, A,. (2006), Sociology: Poverty, hearty projection and Welfare, pp. 341 - 380, Malden, USA, principle Press. HAMF, 2009, Yoga for Kumbos Kids http://hiprojects.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/y oga-for-kumbos-kids/ (Accessed 26/05/09) HAMF, 2009a, Total wellness Care Center Goes Mobile. http://hiprojects.wordpress.com/2009/05/0 4/total-health-center-goes-mobile/ (Accessed 26/05/09) Health Service Journal, 2009. NHS job losings set to continue, article by Sally Gainsbury, 12th run into 2009. http://www.hsj.co.uk/nhs-job-losses-set-to- continue/2006440.article (Accessed 30/05/09) Helman, C. G., 2007. Culture, Health and nausea: dilute-patient interactions, pp 129 Oxford, considerable Britain, Butterworth Heinemann. Helwig, D., (nd). Encyclopedia of Alternative music: traditionalistic African medicine cited at http://findarticles.com/p/ articles/mi_g2603/is _0007/ai_2603000708/?tag= subjec! t;col1 (Accessed 26/05/09) Korean Times, 2008. Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine (IV): Tea, article by Chad Meyer, 9th April 2008. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/art/20 09/05/146_30578.html (Accessed 26/05/09) Kwintessential, (nd), Hofstedes Intercultural Dimensions. http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/inter cultural/dimensions.html (Accessed 30/05/09) Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Willig, C., Woodhall, C., Sykes, C. M., 2005. Health Psychology, Theory, Research and respond: Culture and Health, pp 83. London, expectant Britain, Sage Publications. Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Willig, C., Woodhall, C., Sykes, C. M., 2005a. Health Psychology, Theory, Research and indication: Culture and Health, pp 78. London, smashing Britain, Sage Publications. National Health restitution policy Corporation, 2009 http://www.nhic.or.kr/english/index.

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